2025 CSA sign up is closed.

Market Shares and Flower Shares are still available for purchase.

Thanks for your support!

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) connects consumers to farmers. The farmers promise to do their best to grow a good mix of produce to feed the CSA, markets, and family. The CSA member commits to receiving a weekly box of fresh farm goods grown, harvested, washed and delivered by the farmers. The farmers and the customers are eating the same foods as the weeks go by, changing with the seasons and the weather. We offer a variety of options and pick up times and locations to meet your needs.

To Join

To join the 2024 CSA click on the sign up link. You will be led to a payment page to pay with credit card, PayPal, Venmo, check or cash. Check and cash are best as there is no fee, however, payment in any manner is appreciated! If you need to pay in installments, please contact us and we are happy to work with you. The shares are reserved on a first come, first served basis.

The Inherent Risk

Unfortunately we have no control over mother nature. Some years we have adverse weather that affects the crops and therefore what our CSA members see in their monthly share. When a share is purchased the member accepts a risk of crop failure; however, our crop insurance is growing a large variety, so that it is unlikely for all crops to suffer during the season.

Farm Policies For Traditional Shares

  • Once you sign up for a CSA share and choose your pick-up time and place, we will make you a box to pick up there every week.

  • If you cannot pick up your share, we encourage you to have a friend or family member pick up your box, or ask us to donate it to one of our favorite food gleaning charities, Bounty and Soul and Root Cause Farm.

  • Boxes not collected Wednesday at the farm or at the market will be available to pick up from the farm cooler anytime on Thursday.

  • We ask you to return the empty boxes each week so that we can fill them again with more of our produce and leave a smaller footprint.

Farm Policies For Market Shares

Don't forget to spend your funds! The farm stand is open EVERY DAY starting in early April and running through December. Leave us a note in the money tube with your name and amount spent, and we will deduct the amount from your account. Additionally, we sell at the North AVL Tailgate Market on Saturdays from 8am-12pm, and at the RAD Market at 289 Lyman St. on Wednesdays from 3pm-6pm, May through November. You can redeem your credit at any of these places. We will update you monthly with your balance.